Fit Classes


Befitting Biomechanics Level 1

We teach what we know so that more shops put riders on the correct bicycles, prevent injury, and grow the sport. We know learning happens beyond a book, beyond online videos or articles, and beyond the traditional methods of selling bicycles.

We offer a 4-day class that hones in on every part of anatomical bike fitting. We use a hands on approach, and keep computers out of it. We want to teach people to be bicycle fitters, not technicians. Having any background in anatomy or bike mechanics is good, but not necessary. We will cover anatomy , bike adjustments, using fit tools, the business side of fitting, Peloton fitting and you should be able to walk away from the class and do some bike fitting.

Befitting Biomechanics November 2023 4 day Class


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Befitting Biomechanics Advanced Shoe modification

A fit class for experienced fitters looking to do more with shoes

The shoe modification class covers: shoe stretching, shaping cutting, as well as cleat stacking, wedging, and advanced arch support. During class you will learn how to use the Retul/ Masterfeet footbed device and even leave class with a set of custom footbeds for your own shoes.

*Future class dates coming soon